
There be no passado (There was x There were)

No módulo 2, estudamos sobre o There to be no presente. Essa estrutura é usada para fala sobre existência de algo. O There is é usado no singular e indica há/existe/tem e o There are é usado no plural e indica há/existem/têm.

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  • There is a chair in my bedroom. (Tem uma cadeira no meu quarto).
  • There are three cars in the garage. (Têm três carros na garagem).

A estrutura é construída com o verb to be. No presente é usado is e o are, mas no passado vamos utilizar os verbos o to be conjugado no passado: was e were. There was é usado no singular e significa tinha/existia, já o There were é usado

Veja a tabela abaixo com as estruturas:

There was (singular)There were (plural)
( + ) There was a park near my house.( + ) There were many books in this library.
( – ) There was not a park near my house.
There wasn’t a park near my house.
( – ) There were not many books in this library.
There weren’t many books in this library.
( ? ) Was there a park near my house?
Yes, there was.
( ? ) Were there many books in this library?
No, there weren’t.
Na forma negativa, o there was not pode ter a forma contraída there wasn’t. E there were not, pode ser contraído para there weren’t.

Veja mais exemplos com There was/were:

  • There was a baby crying. (Tinha uma bebê chorando)
  • There were three kids outside the house. (Tinham três crianças fora da casa)
  • There was a pink car in this store. (Tinha um carro rosa nessa loja)
  • There weren’t malls in this city. (Não tinha shoppings nessa cidade)
  • There wasn’t an elephant in this zoo. (Não tinha um elefante nesse zoológico)

The WAS X There WERE! Saiba as diferenças!

Olá estudante! Hoje você vai aprender as principais diferentes entre o There Was e o There Were, não perca!

Videoaula 2 – Como usar o Was x Were? Aprende de uma vez por todas!

Aprenda agora juntamente com a Teacher Lilian Bittencourt a usar corretamente o The was e o The were!

[BÔNUS] Será que você sabe mesmo a utilizar o There Was e o There Were? Aprenda com exercícios solucionados!

There was/were – Exercícios

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